Thursday, February 12, 2009

Some days...

Some days I wonder why I even do this juggling act.
Some days I think the things I do or the money I make are hardly worth the effort.

Some days it feels like two steps forward, one step back (at least it's forward motion...)
Some days I wish my daughter could dawdle through her morning- every morning- to her heart's content.
Some days I feel like I would be a more gentle parent if we had fewer places to be.
Some days it just feels complicated.
Some days I'm just exhausted.

And some days it works.
Some days I make a difference in a client's life.
Some days it's like a well-choreographed ballet.
Some days I notice how much my daughter loves the time she spends with her Grammy and Papa.
Some days I'm so proud of how independent she is becoming.
Some days I notice we get along better when we spend some time apart.
Some days the work I do gives me great joy and satisfaction.
Some days it feels easy and right.
Some days the balancing act is all worth it.

Some days...

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