Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Standoff

Our levy failed yet again yesterday for what seems like the umpteenth time. Let me clarify two things: I supported the levy yesterday because it was an emergency replacement levy and not a permanent levy but have not done so automatically in the past few years. I'm a little fed up. That's saying a lot for someone who used to be an automatic levy supporter. Support the kids; support the schools? Absolutely!

But now, with this last failure, I feel like there is a dangerous culture brewing. A culture of impasse. The district no longer sees these failures as a message regarding the importance of taking stock and making some much-needed constructive changes. Instead, they have assumed a slash and burn mentality. Cut, cut, cut more programs. Likewise, the voters, getting sick of cuts with no other plans or transformation behind them seem to be intent on resending the message, 'no more money for you until we see something that indicates change.'

A standoff. Sigh. I fear this whole situation is leading to a downward spiral that is going to do nothing for anybody, least of all our children or property values. I'm just hoping for some dialogue and someone who has the courage to break this cycle. Please??

Until then, anyone know of a nice place to live in the Cloverleaf District?