Monday, December 10, 2012

My Life in Yoga Pants, Part 1 (because I'm pretty sure there will be a Part 2)

Last year I turned 42 and discovered things change.  You ladies of a certain age know what I'm talking about.  Life changes.  Those changes.  After months of health problems and vague diagnoses a provider suggested I try some progesterone therapy.  Seemed like a wonder drug when I asked after the benefits: decreasing ever increasing mood swings (want-to-rip-someone's-head-off-mood-swings), cycle regulation, and other things I won't even mention here- all can be helped.  Interesting...  So I thought, "why not?"  We are fortunate to have a compounding pharmacy in our town and several friends and acquaintances had already suggested I check it out.  So I did.

Two months later I was on progesterone cream and it has helped all of the above and more.  But one thing not mentioned during the consultation was the possibility of weight gain.  Holy buckets (yes, I watch The Voice; sue me).  I have steadily gained 2-3 pounds each month while on the hormones.  Which means I now weigh more than I ever have in my life.  Disconcerting for someone who pays more than a bit of attention to the number on the scale.  And wreaking a bit of havoc on the wardrobe especially since just a year ago I weighed the least I have in quite some time.

Enter yoga pants. 

Ahhh, the wonders of yoga pants.  Comfortable.  Able to stretch to accommodate all sizes.  And still look somewhat stylish.

Many of you know I'm a coach and consultant so I am one of the fortunate millions who make my own schedule.  I balance work with the care and demands of a 7-year-old and volunteer/house/life stuff.  Lately (good timing with the holidays) I've had lots of custom writing jobs which means work but less face-to-face time with clients.  

Enter yoga pants.  

It's a little scary how often I've worn yoga pants in the last two weeks.  Even a  little distressing to me.  I suppose I should just be thankful for the flexibility that my recent schedule has allowed but I can't help wonder (worry?) if I'm backsliding a bit.  Relaxing my standards.  What's next?  Pajamas?

1 comment:

  1. Don't knock jammies. A friend and I were just talking about how I now weigh 5 lbs more than I did when I delivered both my kids. Again, medication did it. I remember talking with you about the progesterone cream and how I wasn't sure of it. I think I'm actually glad I ended up not going that route.

    If you need a work out buddy, I'm here. I need motivation. That's my problem. When we were running last summer, I had 3 other people to get me up and out of bed at 5 am on Saturdays. Now, I think of exercise and just sluff it off.
