Saturday, May 5, 2012

Aging Gracefully?

You knew this post was coming sooner or later. And here it is! 42 has been my year of aging, and not so gracefully. I guess I knew it was coming as well- the aging part, I mean- but up until the last couple of years, I really felt like I was stuck physically at about age 28. Which was a decent place to be stuck. Not so, this past year. I have begun moving through the aging process with lightening speed.

Childbirth diminishes the body.  I don't care what anybody says about your body bouncing back, getting better with age. It's not true.  Sure those little buggers will give you a ton of joy.  But they will also wreck your body and wear you down.

Then there are all the weird aches and pains that start once you hit 40.  It's like they just appear overnight.  And don't get me started on the other weird sensations and things that even doctors don't even know how to classify.  Oh, how much I have learned this year about seeking out all the answers.  Sometimes it's just better not to know.  Ignorance is bliss.  Remember that, all you 30-year-olds out there.

But aches and pains, weird sensations aside, it is better.  I do feel wiser.  Life is very good after coming out on the other side of weird health things.  And my husband said just about the nicest thing to me the other day- "I really like your gray hair.  It looks cool."  How lucky am I? 


  1. I get, "Mommy, you hair white." Thanks, kid. And, I completely envy you that it took you up until 42 to age. I've been falling apart for years. I'm finally "bouncing back" or maybe just bouncing... I can move my neck and I'm in less pain than a year ago, so I feel like I can move forward now and try to reverse the aging process. All except my hair that is. With age, my hair doesn't want to hold dye. Lucky me.

  2. You just started running! Running! Let's you and I make 40s the new 20s. What do you think??
